Discover the truth about wearing cotton in the outdoors, see what Carolyn Highland has to say about the lasting impacts of her semester course, & learn about one grad’s first night sleeping under the stars.
Photo by Nicholette Hilbrich
Some experienced campers’ favorite advice is “You should never wear cotton.” Despite cotton’s negative reputation among some backpackers, the reality is that there are times when you actually should wear cotton in the outdoors (and it won’t kill you).
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Photo by Carolyn Highland
“When I left the Kiwi backcountry, it could have stopped there. I could have written it off as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I could have left it on the South Island or kept it to myself...but it felt impossible to let the knowledge and the experience stop there. The logical next phase would be to pass it on to others, as it had been passed on to me.”
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On her first night in the wilderness, Fatou Doumbia was unnerved by a level of quiet and darkness she’d never experienced at home in the city. Then she peeked out of her tent and noticed the stars: “I’d only seen them in the movies and it was just so beautiful. It made me realize I really need to explore the world.”