Get some tips on how to repair your outdoor gear, learn the secret to forming a cohesive group on extended expeditions, and see how one student was inspired by her instructor’s mentorship.
And, for those of you in the U.S., tomorrow is November 6th: Be a leader, use your voice. Go vote.

Photo by Molly Herber
Fixing gear isn’t complicated, as long as you have a few of the right tools. We do it on NOLS courses all the time (since no one wants to sleep in a holey tent or walk around with ripped pants for a month). Check out
this blog post to get some handy tips on gear repair.
Learn How to Fix Your Gear

Photo by Luke Fortezzo
Reflecting on a semester spent exploring the Rockies, Shannon Reiser concluded that “within our group there was a special feeling present that doesn't exist on all expeditions. I have reflected on this, wondering what was this "magic" that was felt within our group? I have narrowed it down to at least one thing ... we loved each other.”
Read Shannon's Story
One of the highlights of Kira Minehart’s NOLS Alaska course was the mentorship she received from her female trip leader, McKenzie. As a role model, McKenzie demonstrated grace, humor, and strength throughout the expedition—and her attitude ultimately inspired Kira to pursue her love of science.
Watch Kira's Tale from the Trail