Check out best practices for getting outdoors while keeping your community healthy, take a first aid quiz, and get a student’s perspective on what it means to “hike like a girl.”
Photo by Vivian Merrill
In a time of uncertainty, the lessons you’ve learned in the backcountry—practicing good Leave No Trace, managing risk effectively, and modeling exemplary expedition behavior—are also indispensable in the frontcountry. Here are some tips to help make sure you and your community stay safe and healthy while getting outside.
See Recommendations
Photo by John Hovey
Are you prepared to treat common injuries and illnesses in remote settings? Test your knowledge with a quiz based on NOLS Wilderness First Aid course curriculum.
Take the Quiz
Photo by Caroline Dooley
On her NOLS course in Alaska, Caroline Dooley realized, “This is why I feel at home outside: Both my basketball shorts and my pink sandals are valued. To fully experience the outdoors, my soft and hard skills work together. If hiking like a girl means hiking with endurance and empathy, wit and warmth, I’ll own it.”
Read Caroline's Story